Authorized Training Partner
PCCA는 미국 PMI(Project Management Institute)에 등록되어 있는 국내 유일의 ATP(Authorized Training Partner)입니다. PMI는 ATP Program을 통해 고객이 원하는 높은 품질의 교육과정을 보증합니다.
ENDOLSMENT FROM PMI 고객이 원하는 품질의 교육을 PMI가 보증합니다.
INSTRUCTOR TRAINING 훈련된 강사를 통해 PMP® 시험준비과정을 제공합니다.
Why Train with Authorized Training Parnter
To earn the PMI Authorized Training Partner designation, a provider must meet rigorous standards for quality and effectiveness.
The new PMI Authorized Training Partner Program is designed to help you find high-quality training. Training with an Authorized Partner will ensure you are trained:
By an organization, you can trust
With high-quality PMI-developed course content
By PMI-approved and -vetted instructors
This is especially important when preparing for the PMP® exam. All PMI Authorized Training Partner instructors who teach PMP exam prep course content are required to complete the PMI Authorized Training Partner Train the Trainer – PMP Exam Prep® program and use PMI-developed training course content.
What is Different about Authorized Training Partner Training?
Demonstrated alignment with PMI, the world’s largest project management membership association.
Pre-approved by PMI to offer PDUs. Certification holder PDU claims are automatically expedited for processing.
Qualifications are verified before acceptance and every three years thereafter through PMI’s quality review process.
Every project management course registered with PMI must be reviewed by an appropriate and valid PMI credential holder.
Verified focus of courses and learning outcomes.
Project Management Professional (PMP)® certification prep courses must be taught by valid PMP certification holders.
Instructors must be current in learning methods and must continuously enhance their skills.
Courses must be current and aligned to the latest PMI Global Standards.
Verified mechanism in place for students to provide feedback on courses to the organization and PMI.
Demonstrated continuous improvement of courses based on student feedback.
Continuous quality improvement process and procedures demonstrated throughout the organization.